Occupational Health 1st: Health Surveillance
All forms of health surveillance are carried out using the latest high tech equipment calibrated to the current legal standards (COSHH etc).
The health surveillance is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week recognising the fact that employers who have shift work do not want their employees away from
work for longer than necessary.
- Respiratory surveillance
- Skin surveillance
- Audio surveillance
- Vibration surveillance
- Night worker surveillance
- Vision testing
- Urine testing
- Blood sampling
All forms of health surveillance can be carried out on site or at local facilities. Advice can be given to the most cost effective way
surveillance can be carried out including the use of screening questionnaires to identify those employees who actually need face to face screening.
Occupational Health 1st can train responsible individuals to carry out general provision such as skin checks reducing the need for
professional intervention and reducing the cost to the business.
Occupational Health 1st can help managers understand the need for health surveillance and help with COSHH risk assessment
Occupational Health 1st has an in house occupational hygienist for noise, dust and chemical surveys
backed up by a full laboratory service. Occupational Health 1st aims to
provide a one stop shop for occupational health and hygiene provision.